Frequently Asked Questions About Websites

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    Where do I start?

    The easiest way is to simply send us a message and we can either discuss it further through emails or set up a meeting in Gibraltar. An introductory meeting won't cost you anything.

    You might also want to have a look at our prices to see if there is a package that suits your business needs and budget.

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    What is a Web Host?

    In order to keep your website online and available to the world the website needs to be on a server that's always connected to the internet. That's what a web host handles for you. It keeps your website online on their servers so everyone can reach it.

    As well as providing online storage for your website, a web host ensures you are able to set up domain names and customise email addresses.

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    What is a domain name?

    A domain name is the internet address for your website. In the case of Web The Rock, the domain is "". When you have obtained a domain name you can easily create customised emails for example in the layout of

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    What is WordPress?

    WordPress is a CMS, Content Management System. It makes it easier for business owners, blog writers, designers etc to update and change content on a website without any prior knowledge about how websites are built.